Insertado el 2016-02-18 21:34:27
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Wils81 Where have you been for the past 3 weeks? The yellow line isn\'t much of a bteohr anymore. jayhosh I still see many people complaining about it. Every WiiU box art article always has them. I personally don\'t see why it\'s such a big deal. It\'s a tiny line that is barely even visible. Ness Sorry, your like a month late on that. Sickr e299a5 Alba | Patcher sucks dick I Must say that the blue with yellow at the top is fuckng ugly!!! it mades it look poor and cheap. lol it not as ugly anymore, but it does distract from the beautiful art covers. is like a hairy mole on a beautiful women. kirbymario Woah when did Ness stop bein a troll? O_o just sayin Boss lawl. Isa/Ty this may interest me, I\'ve always liked fighting games though I was more on the capcom side with street fighter. Do people still say boss ? Anonymous Do people still skip reading the article and just jump to make dumb comments? Anonymous Like a boss epic lolcats umad u got pwned trololollololol Gamerluce That cover art is badass. Tom Nook Well this cover art has been around for a whileeeee. Just not with the slightly odd wii u thing on the top. I will be buying this game ASAP. I love the Tekken series and finally a good one on a Nintendo console! I am excited for the ninja lady umm yotimitsu or something.. my bro likes xbox games so he plays 360 mostly and I enjoy 3ds and wii although I can\'t ignore assasins creed, tekken and a few other series. Chris12163 Looks cool! I just preordered this last week! I\'ll be grabbing ine of those fightsticks too. I hope we get the Snoop soundtrack as well! No Nintendo Network??? Pingback: Creeper As cool as the boxart looks, I still don\'t like the thin yellow line up there with the WiiU logo. It\'s very distracting, sadly.
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