
Lista de juegos de Shoot'em Up. Todos los juegos de este tipo para para PS4, Xbox One, Wii U, PS3, Xbox 360, PS Vita, Nintendo 3DS y PC.
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12 de Junio del 2025
Gal Guardians Servants of the Dark PC
Gal Guardians Servants of the Dark PC
Shoot'em Up, 2D y Plataformas
Gal Guardians Servants of the Dark PS4
Gal Guardians Servants of the Dark PS4
Shoot'em Up, 2D y Plataformas
Gal Guardians Servants of the Dark ONE
Gal Guardians Servants of the Dark One
Shoot'em Up, 2D y Plataformas
Gal Guardians Servants of the Dark SWITCH
Gal Guardians Servants of the Dark Switch
Shoot'em Up, 2D y Plataformas
Gal Guardians Servants of the Dark PS5
Gal Guardians Servants of the Dark PS5
Shoot'em Up, 2D y Plataformas
Gal Guardians Servants of the Dark XBOX SX
Gal Guardians Servants of the Dark Xbox SX
Shoot'em Up, 2D y Plataformas
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