Insertado el 2016-02-13 19:19:33
Usuario annimo
اÛÙا٠بÛراÙÙÙد ÙÛâÚ¯Ù:سÙا٠Ù٠ت٠ÙÙÙ٠ساÛØªÛ Ú©Ù Ø´Ùا Ú¯ÙØªÛ Ø¢Ù¾ÙÙد کرد٠ÙÙÛ Ø¨Ùد ÙبÙد٠ÚØ·Ùر Ùاس٠شÙا Ùرارش بد٠Ùاس٠ÙÙÛÙ Ú©Ù errorرا ÙاستÙÙ ÙÛÙÙÛس٠Ùا٠ارÙر:fatal errorthe <a href=\"http://uyfigl.com\">dyimnac</a> library rld.dll failed to load. please confirm that 1)the file was copied over the same folders as the cracked executable 2)the antivirus software is not false-detecting the file (in wich case white-list the folder/file) با تشکر از Ø´Ùا دÙست عزÛز
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